Alternative Ingredients in Horse Feed

What is an alternative ingredient?

Simply put, it is an ingredient that isn’t commonly used.

There are ingredients that we use extensively today that would have been considered very strange back when the diet of the working horse was primarily corn, oats or barley. Ingredient use in horse feeds has changed over time as we have gained greater insight to the nutritional needs of the horse and also as different ingredients become more readily available.

Wholesome Blends

Our Wholesome Blends line incorporates multiple alternative ingredients along with some tried and true ingredients to create nutritionally balanced blends. These alternative ingredients were chosen with care and the balance of the overall diet was carefully considered.

wholesome blends key ingredients

A blend of fancy, alternative ingredients that doesn’t address the vitamin, mineral and amino acid needs of the horse is not going to support the health and wellness of the horse over time. For that reason, we incorporate a nutrient packed pellet that fills in the gaps in the total diet and has important gut health supporting prebiotics, probiotics and digestive enzymes.

Things to think about when incorporating an alternative ingredient into your horse’s diet or a retail brand that includes alternative ingredients:

  • Will the entire diet remain balanced if I add this ingredient?
  • Are my horse’s nutrient requirements being met?
  • Does the ingredient add positive attributes to the diet?
  • Can the ingredient be sourced consistently?
  • Does the ingredient source meet a high standard of quality, consistency and safety?
  • If avoiding certain traditional ingredients, does the alternative ingredient offer the same level of nutrients?

If you are interested in more information on Wholesome Blends, click here or reach out to us for a personalized diet evaluation.

Article By:
Nicole Rambo, Ph.D.
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